A pastoral weed horizon scan

horizon scan

Christopher Buddenhagen


August 23, 2022

A horizon scan for pastoral weed research

This is my first post in a Quarto blog. Welcome! Here I share recent effort we made at AgResearch Ltd. via an interdisciplinary expert elicitation workshop to identify drivers of innovative weed research for the pastoral sector Buddenhagen et al. (2022). This builds on an earlier strategic more applied research document Bourdôt et al. (2018).

The main drivers we identified were ranked by participants using the criteria (1) is this a horizon (is the driver likely to become important in 10–20 years?); (2) will the research require stretchy science (is it currently not well addressed by the science community?); (3) is the research transformative (will successful scientific research in this area lead to significant changes to weed management in pastures?). We depicted the relative ranks using a nifty Sankey diagram Allaire et al. (2017) from the networkD3 package in R.

A sankey diagram showing the major drivers of innovation with rank scores for it being a emerging issue on horizon, potential to transform management, and on the stretchiness of the science.

Major drivers of research innovation for being a emerging issue on horizon, with potential to transform management, and potentially needing stretchy science. Width of the links is based on the expert elicitation of weighted scores derived from rankings of participants.

Post script

To set this blog up I followed the guidelines at quarto.org, with some nice pointers from a data witch Navarro (2022).


Allaire, J. J., Christopher Gandrud, Kenton Russell, and CJ Yetman. 2017. networkD3: D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from r. Manual.
Bourdôt, Graeme, Chris Buddenhagen, Shona Lamoureaux, Mike Cripps, and Trevor James. 2018. “Pastoral Sector Weeds Research Strategy (2018-2028).” 8284. Christchurch, New Zealand: AgResearch.
Buddenhagen, Christopher E., Graeme Bourdot, Mike Cripps, Nigel Bell, Paul Champion, Mike Dodd, Han Eerens, et al. 2022. “A Horizon Scan for Temperate Pastoral Weed Sciencea New Zealand Perspective.” New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 0 (0): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2022.2107026.
Navarro, Danielle. 2022. “Porting a Distill Blog to Quarto.” https://blog.djnavarro.net/posts/2022-04-20_porting-to-quarto.